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Explore two textile supply-side structural reform: innovation-driven to do "subtraction"
Publisher:admin  Time:2016/3/29 8:47:46  Click:3885

This year's "Government Work Report" clearly states that we should vigorously promote structural reforms, to use the reform measures to promote structural adjustment. In the moderate expansion of total demand, while supply-side structural reforms prominence, not only do the subtraction, but also do addition, reduction invalid and low supply, high-end to expand effective demand and supply, increase the supply of public goods and services, the supply collaborative demand and promote economic development, improve total factor productivity, and keep releasing and developing the productive forces.

From the perspective of the textile industry, relying on technological innovation, updating equipment, innovative ways to enhance the brand and other industries, has become increasingly urgent, the textile industry which is the most effective means of structural reforms on the supply side. During the meeting, several deputies of the textile industry in the "China Textile News" reporter, emphasized this point.

1 subtraction: elimination of outdated equipment to reduce labor costs

The use of advanced intelligent production equipment to improve production efficiency, industrial transformation and upgrading is an essential part of the development process. Many excellent textile enterprises have invested a lot of money and power, try to make a positive in this regard.

National People's Congress, party secretary of Jiangsu Sunshine Group Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Sunshine Co., Ltd., general manager Frances Chan said that in the case of labor costs continue to increase, companies want to reduce costs through technological innovation more and more urgent. Being prepared in the "textile industry," Thirteen Five "development plan" put forward, grasp one of the key is to seize the innovation and development of intelligent manufacturing, the implementation of the textile industry chain of digital manufacturing to accelerate the development of smart textile equipment; step by step construction of digital, network, intelligent production line; in-depth application of information technology to improve design and development, production management, marketing and the level of energy saving. "Accelerate and promote the development of high-end manufacturing, to promote Chinese manufacturing to grow stronger, to maintain high-speed economic growth, industrial level to high-end forward, is of great significance." Frances Chan said.

He spoke about the importance to enhance the level of technical equipment, NPC Chairman Jiang Qian Bao Menglan Group also emotionally. She believes that the textile industry in China started late, the overall level of production equipment is relatively backward, the state has been intermittent production and processing, there is no real form of automation, continuous production, the efficiency is not high. "We have repeatedly developed countries to study in Germany, Italy and other textile equipment production, in order to speed up the automation and intelligence transformation. Ultimately, procurement of key equipment abroad on the basis of domestic R & D in a fully automatic production line quilted clothing by ' Substitution machines' productivity has increased by 5 times, filling the fabric cutting, the inner core, seam edge treatment, it can form a complete line, a quilt sewn good 45 seconds can now only a 10 production line employment people, and production efficiency equivalent to the previous 50 people. "Qian Bao told the" China Textile News "reporter.

National People's Congress of Zhejiang Hualian Co., Ltd., Xu Aihua also believes that to solve the rising labor costs for the development of the industry plagued with advanced intelligent technology to replace the traditional mode of production will be the trend. In the eyes of Xu Aihua representatives doffing workers are all labor-intensive textile production operations in the largest jobs. Shaoxing, Zhejiang Hualian has invested enterprises to increase industrial robots independent technology research and development efforts, is expected to replace the traditional manual doffing step, single-person management spindles doffing tasks and automated docking with automatic tube processing function. This not only saves a lot of labor doffing step, and the workers from the heavy work of high-intensity, improve labor productivity to achieve smart innovation.

2 Addition do: increase R & D investment to expand effective demand

Minus the industrial workers on the production line, effectively reducing the cost is to do the "subtraction." Similarly, to make the supply-side reforms, but also will do "addition." "The main indicators related to economic and social development" Thirteen Five "Plan (draft)," mentioned in the proposed R & D investment intensity of 2015 from 2.1% to 2.5% level in 2020, indicating that the national innovation driver side, for enterprises to increase investment in science and technology research and development put forward higher requirements.

By 2015, when overall demand in the international market underpowered, Chinese textile exports 4.9% annual decline. Menglan textile in the overall foreign trade situation is grim circumstances, the export volume in 2015 has achieved an increase of 20.5% gratifying results.

January to February, the export value of textile products Menglan up 32% over last year. The reason Qian Bao believes, first, thanks to scientific and technological innovation and upgrading of technology and equipment performance; the second is to adapt to market new consumer demand, increased R & D investment, to strengthen the new technology, new materials, new technology, new fabrics application that allows products to better meet the consumer demand in the Japanese market, marketable, and therefore favored foreign investors continue to additional orders.

The first two months, exports to the Japanese market Menglan not only did not drop, but was constantly Japanese customers additional orders, turn one. With cushions, for example, a series of styles order can do 1.2 million. Menglan groups around the US and Japanese markets demand different characteristics, providing customers with a wealth of product design, so that buyers have a full selection of space, especially consumer demand and cultural characteristics of the target market to focus on product design, to attract customers. "This is thanks to our add a lot of effort in research and development and increase new product development, the R & D intensity Menglan now already exceeded the level of 2.5% of the draft plan for national 'Thirteen Five' is required, reached 3%, far more than the many companies of the textile industry. we will not only continue to strengthen in the future work in this area, also intends to carry out customized textile products, so that consumers can choose home textile product design through the network, custom personalized color, style and design of products, the real positive side of the supply-side active adjustment, promote transformation and upgrading of enterprises, enhance overall competitiveness. "representative of Bao Qian added.

3 multiply: expect policy support to encourage bold and innovative

This year's "Government Work Report" The importance of innovation-driven lead the upgrading of traditional industries in the play of a high-level overview made. In fact, the importance of innovation-driven transformation and upgrading of traditional manufacturing in the textile industry has achieved a high degree of consensus and down, many companies have also been positive action, and achieved some success. However, the huge cost of inputs also makes many companies feel powerless.

Xu Aihua representatives in the research found, due to the uncertainty and risk of technological innovation activities, plus new ventures risk tolerance far less mature companies, once the technical innovation failure, new ventures need to face greater economic burden. She therefore make recommendations on this year's two sessions, the establishment of social sharing mechanism Risk of Technology Innovation.

She said that social sharing mechanism of technology innovation risk if they can effectively set up, then the business will be more proactive in going into innovation, spontaneity and willingness to improve their innovation main body. Improve the technical innovation of social risk-sharing mechanism to encourage enterprises to make bold innovations, not afraid of setbacks and failures, it is conducive to a variety of technical innovations translate into better growth momentum. This innovative mechanism mainly consists of financial risk tax support, such as: the establishment of a special fund, but also can improve business tax threshold, so newly created business costs and stimulate economic vitality. In addition, in support of science and technology innovation-oriented enterprises, we shall promote their patent application to establish a sound system, using its technological achievements to accelerate the process of technological innovation, guide enterprises to speed up its own R & D and technology transfer, increase investment in basic research and research collaboration and enhance their absorptive capacity.

If the security policy mechanism could effect so, innovation will be able to effect multiplier effects appear.

Frances Chan also said that as a traditional textile industry, the transformation of high-end equipment, enterprise information and intelligence is very urgent. She said: "In this regard, we very much hope that policies to encourage countries to give real support enterprises around the industrial structure of high-end, intelligent technology and equipment, production and management of information technology, to better promote enterprises to adopt new technologies, new processes, new equipment new materials, to promote and achieve true manufacturing to high-end development. "

Pre:NPC Jian Hua Jin: This year the apparel industry into the transformation and upgrading
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